Thursday, May 7, 2015

Virtual Sports 3,2,1

  • I struggle with understanding the directions and knowing what to do.  
  • I'm also challenged when having to beat the number to beat.  Some of the levels are easy to reach the number and go over it and others are very difficult and take time to get it.  
  • Its a challenge for me to move fast when trying to get all these levels done.  I'm not as fast as other students when getting things done and I feel behind.  I wish we had more time with the lessons.  

  • I think I did good on sponsorship and got good deals.
  • I think I will excel with media  planning   
  • I think its most important to reach the number to beat and get above that number.  

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Scavenger hunt overview

 What I found easier about the task was working with my partner and having good communication.  We got to know each other and it was talking to someone different.  We  got it down fast and with no problems.  I like working with partners.  Sometimes I get lost working by myself so I think having a partner with me is very helpful.  I feel like having a partner gets assignments done quicker and you can move on to getting more things done.  No because I think working alone you get distracted more and take longer to finish your work.  I think it was pretty fair but maybe you could of given us more help to where to find answers on the websites.  Maybe you give us a list of websites next time and we have to look on the page for the answer.   

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Endorsements and Piracy


Micheal Jordan's endorsement was Nike jordans. 

David Ortiz made an endorsement with the cellphone company Samsung.

Andrew Luck made an endorsement deal with audio technology company Klipsch.  

Jonathan Toews  made an endorsement deal with the worlds leading designer and manufacturer of hockey equipment with Bauer.  

Miguel Cabrera has endorsement deals with Chrysler and New Balance.    

A-Rod has had endorsement deals with Nike, Wheaties, Rawlings, Pepsi and The Got Milk Campaign.  

Peyton Manning has had endorsement deals with Papa Johns Pizza, Direct TV, Buick, and Nation Wide

Mike trout has been endorsed by Nike, Subway and Body Armour Super Drink 


 Sony is working really hard to stop groups of people from Pirating their movies.  They have had five new movies already stolen and downloaded illegally hundreds of times.  By this happening they will make less money when it goes out in theaters because people have already seen it by then.  Sony is working with the law enforcement and trying to find the criminals of this.  One group of hackers GOP sent Sony a picture of a skeleton and threatened them even more by saying they would leak " top secrets" of Sony pictures!  

Friday, March 6, 2015

Malcolm Butler Visits Childrens

Paige Donahue

Malcolm Butler Visits Childrens

In this article they talk about patriot player Malcolm Butler and how he visited kids at Children's Hospital on a Friday.  During the day Butler handed out signed gloves, took many pictures with the patients and signed autographs.  He helped the kids forget they were sick for a day.  He visited patients with long-term stays and then went into the in-house radio Q&A.   Malcolm talked to two kids, Connor Hicks and Sam Clark.  The interview could be listened too in every room.  Butler was motivating the kids saying “If you work hard and do the right thing, you can do anything.” and “You can do anything.”  Butler can relate to these sayings because he first worked at Popeyes and now is the hero of the Super Bowl of 2015.    

This will help the Patriots by getting more fans and showing how there not just a football team.  All the players care for other people and these things they do for children show just that.  They are going out of there way to make sick kids happier and try to make them feel better. I think this puts a positive look on the patriots and makes people start to like them even more not just as a team but as people too.  It also benefits Childrens Hospital giving them more publicity and showing its a good hospital to go too.     

My Introduction

Hi I'm Paige Donahue a junior at RMHS.  I play Volleyball in the Fall and Spring Track in the Spring. Me and my friend Morgan are the captains of the Volleyball team for the Fall. I am excited for the season and think we will do good. At home I have two sisters, one in middle school and one in college. I am very close to my older sister Megan, we are basically the same person!